Shirdi Sai Baba is a saint that is worshipped by many of the peoples in India, mainly the peoples who lived in Maharashtra and near to Maharashtra have greatly believed in Sai Baba. They worship Sai Baba as the peoples of other regions worship their God.
Instead of Maharashtra, Sai Baba is also worship in Andhra Pardesh, Gujrat, Karnatka and in many areas of the world. Peoples follows his teachings and once you visit Shirdi, you will definitely become a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. There is no true information is available about his origins, Hindus said that Sai Baba belongs to Hindu religion, but the Muslims tells that he is belonging to Muslim religions.
That is why there is always a controversy between Hindus and Muslims about his origins. But Sai Baba never divides himself into caste, color, and religions, he said that he only belongs to one religion, that is the religion of truth and God.Peoples believes that Sai Baba is always with her devotees, but Sai Baba left his physical body on 15 October 1918, but his truth and teachings are always alive till the end of the world.
Peoples always remember their God, who shows them the right way and to live a simple life. He is always helped his devotees, whether they are Hindus or Muslims. That is why peoples form all religions became followers of Shri shirdi sai sharmam dham, bisalpur.